Together, We Keep These Stories Alive
Charitable donations are tax deductible.
Every contribution makes a difference.
The Ozarks are full of untold stories—histories at risk of being lost forever. Your donation helps bring these stories to life, ensuring that the people, places, and histories of The Ozarks are remembered and shared. Together, we can preserve the past, strengthen communities, and inspire future generations.
Prefer to Donate by Check?
If you’d like to support our work by mailing a check, please make it payable to: Ozark Vitality, and mail to:
2521 Highway OO, Farmington, MO 63640
Have a Story to Share?
💡 Some stories shape us, some are nearly forgotten, and some are waiting to be told. If you know of a story that should be preserved, let’s work together to capture it.
If you are interested in participating in our projects, contributing ideas, or have any questions, please email us at or message us on Facebook.